Electron Beam Welding Advantages

Electron Beam Welding Advantages
Electron Beam Welding (EBW) is a fusion welding that produces a weld by impinging a beam of high energy electrons to heat the weld joint. The electrons are elementary particles, atoms with a negative charge and a mass of very small. The increase of electrons in a high energy state and accelerated from about 30 to 70 percent of the speed of light provides the energy to heat the weld.

A function of Electron Beam Welding (EBW) gun like a television picture tube. The main difference is that a television picture tube continues to sweep the surface of a fluorescent screen with an electron beam of low intensity to produce an image. Electron Beam Welding (EBW) gun uses an electron beam of high intensity for a weld joint objective. The welding joint becomes the electron beam at the entrance of the heat required to weld a merger.

The electron beam is always generated in a vacuum. Using specially designed holes to separate a series of rooms on different levels of vacuum can weld under normal conditions and nonvacuum. Although vacuum welding offers the ultimate in purity and depth of the weld width.

Electron Beam Welding

Electron Beam Welding Advantages:
Single pass welding of thick joints
Dissimilar metal welds of some metals
Uses no filler metal
Hermetic seals of components retaining a vacuum
Low contamination in vacuum
Weld zone is narrow
Low distortion
Heat affected zone is narrow

Electron Beam Welding Disadvantages:
High equipment cost
Work chamber size constraints
X-rays produced during welding
Rapid solidification rates can cause cracking in some materials
Time delay when welding in vacuum
High weld preparation costs


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