Underwater Shielded Metal-arc Cutting Techniques

Underwater Shielded Metal-arc Cutting Techniques
The diver should understand that this process merely melts the metal and does not oxidize or consume the metal as in oxy-arc cutting. The molten metal will not run out of the cut on its own, but must be pushed out by manipulation of the electrode tip. By paying careful attention to the molten pool, the diver can master this process in a short period of time. This technique can be used effectively for cutting of steel, brass,copper and other copper-based alloys.

Drag Technique.
Steel plate can be cut simply by dragging the electrode along the desired line of cut. The drag technique can be used to cut 1/4-inch steel plates with 300 amperes of current. 3/8-inch plate requires using 400 amperes of current. This technique works more effectively using larger electrodes and higher currents. The diver may find that using the drag technique in a flat position is more effective than in other positions.
Underwater Shielded Metal-arc Cutting Techniques

When cutting thicker plates, a slow, short-stroke, sawing motion must be used to push the molten metal out of the far side of the cut. This technique is illustrated in Figure above. Skillful application of this sawing technique makes the metal-arc cutting process practical over a wide range of thicknesses. When cutting non-ferrous metal round stock, a sawing motion should be used, starting at the bottom and pushing through.


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